Something ending or changing soon?

based on the writings of the bible, nostradamus, st. malachy, edgar casey, science/geological etc, and the mayan calendar, seems like some major changes in the next decade or so, give or take. insite appreciated, just seems like alot of coinciding events. thomas

4 years ago

Best Answer by Tu Nga – Chosen by Asker

Ending and changing of bad things are speedily occuring every day. We wake up every morning to be amazed before new horizons.
More schools are established, more books are circulated, more religious people are working actively on disseminating the Word of God, more scholars are presenting new discoveries in the universe, more sleeping people are awake, more new Internet programs are supporting all the above activities…Yes, the world is clearly approaching the end of immaturity and starting the age of maturity of all mankind.

Asker’s Comment:

not exactly what i was looking for, but a excellent perspective regardless, thanks for a little insite today



New Addition For This Post

Yes, something changing or ending soon? The asker wanted to know more of the dark side of the picture instead of the bright one. He would be more satisfied if I said that the ice of the poles is defreezing and it will drown many countries. Yes, this is occurring because of the warmth of the new spiritual spring after the long and cold winter of individualism and consumerism.

And huge meteors are probably approaching the earth, that we had no capacity to discover in previous centuries, but our present knowledge and technological powers are far from being able to move away those meteores.

I also have lots of other signs provided by supporters of the physical ending of our world.

However, my spiritual learning does not support my wish to please pessimistic people, especially the pessimistic media that is following the funny slogan of “no news is good news”!

All religious Scriptures have promised the coming of the Mihdi, of Christ, of Metreya Buddha…not to witness the destruction of the world. Their divine mission is to usher in the Golden Age, is to manifest the Glory of the One True God, to lead humanity to a higher level of civilization. Now, all learners can verify this fact right here on the Internet, right here on my Blogroll.

The greater efforts we concentrate on learning and practicing these new lessons from on high, the sooner we will realize the practicality of this divine promise. Four years after answering this question on YahooAnswers, I am becoming more positive for having an independent blog on to state again this truth with more certainty. How convincing this will be after 2012! Please remember, this is only my shallow learning and not at all any prophetic statements.


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