Would you risk your life to save a thousand people?
Asked By cin8888 13-15, F in Community

Reply By Me

I don’t know what you mean about saving.
In reality, no man can save the life of another man.
A person may die to voluntarily to prevent the explosion of a grenade to secure the physical existence of many people, but those people may soon die by many other reasons.
To me, real salvation is to give spiritual quickening to other souls, as done by Christ and His disciples through their martyrdom. Even this, still depending on positive response of the hearers. If the hearers don’t sincerely repent, they cannot be saved. Most people are not learning enough to distinguish the physical existence from the spiritual life; the physical is common to all creatures, while the spiritual is specifically for human beings. It is regretful that not many people are responding thankfully to the noble sacrifice of the Prophets, the saints and the martyrs!
I don’t risk my life to save other people, but I only try to live in accordance to the counsels of God, which are now available on the Internet.
Praying that true lovers of mankind will reach the truth and act accordingly.

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Abdul-Baha says:
Certain religious teachers, think only of their creeds. They believe a holy war can conquer the world. They reason thus: “All the other religious teachers are in error and I am obliged to chastise them and show them their mistakes for their own salvation.”
The belief of the friends of God is quite different. They believe that one must affiliate with all, love all humanity and seek ever to better its condition. God is one, the true Shepherd of all creation. Let us be kind to every one in order to unify the world and spread affection abroad.
(Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 97)


Obedience to God
True salvation of mankind
His noble children

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