Does true love really come to those who wait?

Asked By: Twilightangel29 (26-30, F) 35 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Oct 21st, 2012 at 8:16AM

Love is not a thing like a material gift to be given or received.
People whom I love they don’t know; people who love
me I don’t know. I think that you don’t know that I love
you, and I don’t know that you love me.So love is a noble
sentiment that is given unnoticed.
Only God knows His love for us and our love for Him.
But we don’t know His love for us. If we are religious, we
believe; if we are not, we don’t believe and we never know.
Love among lovers are belief, not knowledge. So, in order
to be happy in love, we just love and do not expect to
receive anything as we imagine in our mind.
Wishing you happiness in true love from your heart.




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Baha’u’llah says:

 “Protect, moreover, O my Beloved, through Thy love for them and through the love they bear to Thee, this servant, who hath sacrificed his all for Thee, and expended whatsoever Thou hast given him in the path of Thy love and Thy good pleasure, and preserve him from all that Thou abhorrest, and from whatsoever may hinder him from entering into the Tabernacle of Thy holy sovereignty, and from attaining the seat of Thy transcendent oneness.”

(Baha’u’llah, Prayers and Meditations by Baha’u’llah, p. 337)




God loves us truly

How can we know about it

Without true belief?



Why is nothing sacred anymore?

Asked By: MathMan789 (31-35, M) 15 minutes ago

Good Question? (3)

Posted by pukirahe Oct 21st, 2012 at 5:40AM

20% of Americans claim to be spiritual and not religious,
shows that the sacred is increasing. They abndon ceremonies
and turn back to spirit (to be spiritual), the true nature of all
human beings.
The Internet is more spiritual than religious, the UN functioning
is more spiritual than religious, the world summits are more
spiritual than religious. Prominent people today, including
Oprah Winfrey, Dalai Lama, Pope Benedict XVI, all are more
spiritual than religious. It is quite clear that high spirituality
brings people closer to one another than religious ceremonies.
Because of all this, I say that our day is more sacred, not less.

 Reply by MathMan789 Oct 21st, 2012 at 5:42AM

perhaps, but “spiritual” is a word that lacks any clear meaning, so what exactly are you saying if you call yourself a spiritual person?

Reply by pukirahe Oct 21st, 2012 at 7:47AM

 By my definition, religion is not ceremonies, but it is education for the heightening of spirituality. Therefore, I am both spiritual and religious.



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Abdul-Baha says:

 “Reflect that every human being is limited through his physical body, but his spirit is free. The body of man may travel for a few miles and become fatigued, but the spirit untrammeled may go throughout the immensity of space. While walking on earth man’s thoughts may grasp the motions of the heavenly bodies and define their course. This demonstrates how man’s spirit transcends his environment.

The divine grace, whether physical or spiritual, is unlimited, yet certain selfish souls desire to circumscribe to their own ideas the outpouring of this heavenly grace.” (Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 169)



We are all spirit

Hence we are all spiritual

We are all sacred


Why does my mind always think the worst?

Asked By: kuronekko (31-35, F) 42 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Oct 21st, 2012 at 4:34AM

That is good.
No man should think the average,
because that is not thinking.
A thinking man doesn’t expect for bread with butter
today as he had yesterday and the days before.
The food for today must be something better,
kentucky fried chicken, for example. Or reasonably
it must be the best food of Queen Elizabeth. Why
can she have that food and other equal human beings
But, in reality, our world is not a reasonable world.
my food today is worse than bread and butter. And
the worst is that many children, especially the children
in Africa, are starving, starving for years, starving to death!!!
Yes, I am thinking the worst like you!!!
As by now, in the beginning of the third millennium,
we can only expect for better food from heaven – the
divine banquet, the teachings of the Prophets of God.
Yes, all human beings, if they like, they can come
to the divine banquet on the Internet. And the best souls
may sit at the Last Supper of Christ.
Perhaps, our leaders are still too busy with greater
global problems, and have no time to seek for solutions
to this average matter of food. So, let individuals, most
individuals keep on thinking for the worst!!!


Reply by kuronekko Oct 21st, 2012 at 5:10AM

nicely put 🙂



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Abdul-Baha says:

 “The hour has struck — soon the vibrations will be felt on this material plane; for as Abdul Baha so beautifully puts it — “Does not the dawn of a new day arouse the sleeping ones from their couches of negligence and awaken all those who are not dead?” Speaking of the temple of the future, Abdul Baha says — “Every country has a hundred thousand gigantic temples, but what results have they yielded? The important point is this — from a temple of worship must go forth not only the spiritual but the material needs. Verily, the founding of this temple will mark the inception of the Kingdom of God on earth. It is the evident standard waving in the center of the great continent of America.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 13)


For my daily food

The worst worse or average

Better or the best?


One reason this day was bad and one why it was good ?

Asked By: Anicia47 (13-15, F) 17 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Oct 20th, 2012 at 9:07PM

Good because all the blessings of God
have been bestowed to all mankind.
Bad because a number of people are still
confusing without knowing what to do
even for their own good.
Confusion is due to lack of education. When a
person spends time in his own education – physically,
humanly and divinely – he will have true knowledge
to reshape his high destiny.
Today, with the Internet, opportunity for free
education is available for each and all individuals.




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Abdul-Baha says:

 “The personality of man is developed through education, while his individuality which is divine and heavenly should be his guide.

Poison is harmful to man. It is the nature of man to find enjoyment in that which is gratifying to his senses; if he pursue this path he subverts his individuality to such a degree that the poison of darkness which was the means of death becomes the means of his existence and his nature becomes so degraded and his individuality so deflected that his one purpose in life will be to obtain the death-dealing drug.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 133)




Why world suffering?

Wrongdoings by ignorance

Or lack of knowledge


What are some fun or interesting persuasive topics that I could give a speech on?

Asked By: sjoneski7 (18-21, F) 14 minutes ago

I want to do a speech on something fun and non-traditional, but I cannot think of anything

Good Question? (4)

Posted by pukirahe Oct 20th, 2012 at 8:37PM

Education of children.
In order to be new, interesting, convincing,
following elements should be included:
-How to educate ALL children?
-How they ALL can become like SAINTS?
-How do they attain greatest knowledge
to solve all global problems?
– How will they build a world civilization
covering all cultures?
– How to devise a world system of education
to achieve this in this century?
This is for you to present the subject. As for the
realization, I think that the UN will form a studying
agency to prepare a draft for UN resolution.




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Abdul-Baha says:

 “Again, there are sagacious leaders among the people and influential personalities throughout the country, who constitute the pillars of state. Their rank and station and success depend on their being the well-wishers of the people and in their seeking out such means as will improve the nation and will increase the wealth and comfort of the citizens.

Observe the case when an individual is an eminent person in his country, zealous, wise, pure-hearted, known for his innate capacity, intelligence, natural perspicacity — and is also an important member of the state: what, for such an individual, can be regarded as honor, abiding happiness, rank and station, whether in the here or the hereafter?

(Abdu’l-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 21)




Child education

Pillar civilization

On this small planet


Ever wondered why are you alive? what’s the aim of your life?

Asked By: djk007 (18-21, M) 24 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Oct 20th, 2012 at 4:21PM

I think that this is the most important question
for each and all human beings. If we don’t get
the correct answer, we may regretfully waste our life.
Without knowledge of the purpose of our life,
we may possess various things, attain different
positions, but we die in confusion. This is
harmful to our soul, our true life.
Perhaps, all men have two purposes in life:
1. Keeping a pure soul for eternal life;
2. Making contribution to the building of
world civilization.
Each individual must go through physical, human,
divine education to make plan for the realization
of these purposes, according to personal capacities
and circumstances.
This means that we will keep on living as we are
living now, with a clearer sense of purpose.
Modifications will be made with the increase of
our own knowledge.



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Baha’u’llah says:

 “I give Thee thanks, O my God, that Thou hast decided through the power of Thy decree, and wilt continue to decide through Thine irrevocable appointment and purpose. I entreat Thee, O my Beloved, by Thy Name through which Thou didst lift up the ensigns of Thy Cause, and shed the splendors of the light of Thy countenance, to send down upon me and upon such of Thy servants as are wholly devoted to Thee all the good Thou hast ordained in Thy Tablets. Establish us, then, upon the seats of truth in Thy presence, O Thou in Whose hands is the kingdom of all things!”

(Baha’u’llah, Prayers and Meditations by Baha’u’llah, p. 309)




Purpose of man’s life

Enjoying greatest blessings

Of the One True God


What do you watch a lot

Asked By: Sharkattackbate (22-25, F) 30 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Oct 20th, 2012 at 3:48PM

The development of the Internet.
It is expanding rapidly beyond my imagination.
Almost any information we want to know, in any
language, is available on it.
Data concerning all human activities, past, present,
planned and imagined for the future, can be found.
All are presented more and more attractively with
higher interactivity, with nice pictures and sweet music.
I spend many hours a day for surfing, and I become
more and more amazed with its scholarly immensity.
Wishing that this will be used affectively for universal
education to the whole human race.



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Abdul-Baha says:

 “The primary, the most urgent requirement is the promotion of education. It is inconceivable that any nation should achieve prosperity and success unless this paramount, this fundamental concern is carried forward. The principal reason for the decline and fall of peoples is ignorance. Today the mass of the people are uninformed even as to ordinary affairs, how much less do they grasp the core of the important problems and complex needs of the time.

It is therefore urgent that beneficial articles and books be written, clearly and definitely establishing what the present-day requirements of the people are, and what will conduce to the happiness and advancement of society.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 108)




World education

Made new and systematic

For the Most Great Peace