What do you watch a lot

Asked By: Sharkattackbate (22-25, F) 30 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Oct 20th, 2012 at 3:48PM

The development of the Internet.
It is expanding rapidly beyond my imagination.
Almost any information we want to know, in any
language, is available on it.
Data concerning all human activities, past, present,
planned and imagined for the future, can be found.
All are presented more and more attractively with
higher interactivity, with nice pictures and sweet music.
I spend many hours a day for surfing, and I become
more and more amazed with its scholarly immensity.
Wishing that this will be used affectively for universal
education to the whole human race.



Experienceproject Q&A

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Abdul-Baha says:

 “The primary, the most urgent requirement is the promotion of education. It is inconceivable that any nation should achieve prosperity and success unless this paramount, this fundamental concern is carried forward. The principal reason for the decline and fall of peoples is ignorance. Today the mass of the people are uninformed even as to ordinary affairs, how much less do they grasp the core of the important problems and complex needs of the time.

It is therefore urgent that beneficial articles and books be written, clearly and definitely establishing what the present-day requirements of the people are, and what will conduce to the happiness and advancement of society.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 108)




World education

Made new and systematic

For the Most Great Peace


Do you believe in miracle?

Asked By: UnwindTheChainsaw (16-17, F) 21 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Oct 8th, 2012 at 9:18PM

Yes, your question appearing to my eyes is a miracle.
My awswering to you is a miracle.
One century ago this question and aswer did not exist.
One century later something strange may replace
the Internet, life would be completely different and
people of those days would think that we were aliens.
The longer we live we will witness greater and more
amazing miracles beyond knowledge and imagination.
Yes, life is evidently a mysterious miracle for humans
to fathom and enjoy.



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Abdul-Baha says:

 “The above are mere facts of history, but present history without the setting of the background of time has no perspective to our clay-laden eyes. We are ever looking for some miracle, some proof — for the Christ life as viewed from the outside seems so simple; yet could there be anything more dramatically miraculous than this: to establish peace in the hearts in the midst of a warring world? This kind of peace Baha’u’llah calls the “most great peace.” To establish this kingdom in the hearts — verily, it is the unrealized dream of the planet!”

(Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 11)




Daily happenings

Beyond knowledge of people

Such as Christ’s advent


Who thinks more men or women?

Asked By: SerenityofLife 39 minutes ago

Good Question? (4)

Posted by pukirahe Sep 9th, 2012 at 2:55AM

Women, because they are divinely appointed
as first teachers of their children, first shapers
of the human race.
They think more about the living, the development,
the success of their children. Men may go out
and get drunk at the pubs, without remembering the
kids, women never do so – never dare to do so,
because of their love for their children.
Under patriarchy, men deprive women of education
for easy slavery, therefore we did not have a perfect
human race. Only, in the last two centuries, women
were liberated and they have given the world a new shape,
the human race a bright future.
With more thinking, more good, more love,
women will educate properly and examplarily their
children to bring our planet to its magnificent
civilization. Let men try to assist the women, that also
means to assist men themselves to enter the garden
of Eden in the Golden Age.
This is not my fabrication, but it is evident truth:
Consider the families where women are free and well-


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Abdul-Baha says:

 “In former times it was considered wiser that woman should not know how to read or write; she should occupy herself only with drudgery. She was very ignorant. Baha’u’llah declares the education of woman to be of more importance than that of man. If the mother be ignorant, even if the father have great knowledge, the child’s education will be at fault, for education begins with the milk. A child at the breast is like a tender branch that the gardener can train as he wills.” (Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 86)




Women are mothers

First teachers of their children

Let all support them


Is anybody here looking for a Prince…?

Asked By: lifeafterromance 30 minutes ago

Good Question? (4)

Posted by pukirahe Sep 6th, 2012 at 3:57AM

We are already princes and princesses of heaven.
In the past, our ancestors did not have the telescopes,
the televisions, the Internet… hence they falsely thought
that princes and pricesses are something far beyond
their reach.
But today, I see that my life is much better than the King
in 1900: he has no physical, mental and spiritual means
as I have. And most of us are in fact living in greater
comforts, healthcare, spiritual development… far better
than the heads of large kingdoms. And the possession
of the Internet is the greatest of our means for spiritual
development which no kings can imagine.
We are all princes and princesses of the heavenly
King; let us be happy, content and assured with His
Supreme Guidance and Protection. He is giivng us
harder missions than former princes for more glorious
victories – this is not authoritative oppression, but it is
sweetest compassion.


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Abdul-Baha says:

 “O ye handmaids of the merciful Lord! How many queens of this world laid down their heads on a pillow of dust and disappeared. No fruit was left of them, no trace, no sign, not even their names. For them, no more granting of bestowals; for them, no more living at all. Not so the handmaids who ministered at the Threshold of God; these have shone forth like glittering stars in the skies of ancient glory, shedding their splendours across all the reaches of time.

(Abdu’l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu’l-Baha, p. 23)




Heavenly children

Why suffering so sorely

With Father’s favours?


Do you look at sleep as a temporary form of death?

Asked By: XNGespenst 1 hour ago

Good Question? (3)

Posted by pukirahe Aug 28th, 2012 at 5:08AM

Human spirit never dies, so sleep is also living.
In dreams we may receive inspiration, vision and other
wonderful revelations which don’t come when we are awake.
These and other miracles are real, but they are only
personal experiences. We can separate the true or false
phenomena, but other people have no way to verify.
Yes, our life is eternal and continuous in this world and
in the world to come.
This correct concept will remind us about the true station
of human beings in the universe, so we will conduct
our life more responsibly and more thankfully happy.
The main purpose of sleep is not to receive visions,
but to regain physical health and mental rest for
better service while awake. Sleeping too much
is as harmful as working too much. Moderation is
our golden rule.


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Baha’u’llah says:

 “Behold how the thing which thou hast seen in thy dream is, after a considerable lapse of time, fully realized. Had the world in which thou didst find thyself in thy dream been identical with the world in which thou livest, it would have been necessary for the event occurring in that dream to have transpired in this world at the very moment of its occurrence. Were it so, you yourself would have borne witness unto it. This being not the case, however, it must necessarily follow that the world in which thou livest is different and apart from that which thou hast experienced in thy dream. This latter world hath neither beginning nor end.”

(Baha’u’llah, Tablets of Baha’u’llah, p. 187)




Dreams and daily works

All efforts good performance

In moderation


If you could time travel and pick any time in history to live, which would you pick?

Asked By: thebluemax 2 hours ago

I’d pick the sixties.

Posted by pukirahe Jun 11th, 2012 at 4:33PM

NOW, no other wish or way!
Now is the best time to live,
because we have all great experience of the past,
and marvelous achievements for our generation
and generations to come.
Life is not flying back and forth on the clouds;
it is learning, thinking and acting for the welfare
of our families and all other families around us,
right here on this planet, or perhaps on higher heavens.




New Addition For This Post

The Bab says:


“Have mercy on me, O Lord, in these days when the peoples of Thine earth have erred grievously; supply me then, O my God, with that which is good and seemly in Thine estimation. Thou art verily the All-Powerful, the Gracious, the Bountiful, the Ever-Forgiving.” (The Bab, Selections from the Writings of the Bab, p. 215)




Life now very hard

It is hard past and future

Joy is within us


What do you do on a day off from work?

Asked By: blonde2521 23 minutes ago

Answer by pukirahe Apr 21st, 2012 at 5:48AM

This makes me happily busy all 7 days
of the week in 76 years of my life.
I always learn to understand the commands of God
and to do good for people near by and far away.
My days are passing rapidly in love, peace and thankfulness.

Reply by blonde2521 Apr 21st, 2012 at 11:03AM

so lovely

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(For reading 1001 times)
Abdul-Baha says:

“Freedom is not a matter of place. It is a condition. I was thankful for the prison and the lack of liberty was very pleasing to me, for those days were passed in the path of service under the utmost difficulties and trials, bearing fruits and results.
“Unless one accepts dire vicissitudes he will not attain.”
(Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 21)


How a man can have
Too much free time not knowing
What to do with it?!


Do you know and love TED talks?

Asked By: snappingzero 1 hour ago

Answer by pukirahe Apr 1st, 2012 at 2:44AM

I really enjoy and tweet the talks up here,
especially those of successful women,
who are changing the world.
Wishing that more and more people
will follow the talks up here to have a newer
vision concrening our civilized world..
I have placed its link on my Blogroll.

Reply by snappingzero Apr 1st, 2012 at 2:47AM

They are incredible. I went to a TED-x (all day TED talk, essentially) about becoming extraordinary and was truly amazed. Except for the interpretive dance bit as I find it (interpretive dance) ridiculous.

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(For reading 1001 times)
Abdul-Baha says:

“The noted historians of Europe, in describing the conditions, manners, politics, learning and culture, in all their aspects, of early, medieval and modern times, unanimously record that during the ten centuries constituting the Middle Ages, from the beginning of the sixth century of the Christian era till the close of the fifteenth, Europe was in every respect and to an extreme degree, barbaric and dark. The principal cause of this was that the monks, referred to by European peoples as spiritual and religious leaders, had given up the abiding glory that comes from obedience to the sacred commandments and heavenly teachings of the Gospel, and had joined forces with the presumptuous and tyrannical rulers of the temporal governments of those times.” (Abdu’l-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 86)


Mankind make progress
From Age to Age by guidance
Of Divine Prophets


Do you think other beings in our Universe have existed longer than we have?

Asked By: Autumnsbest 4 hours ago

I’ve always been curious about what exists in the Universe. Maybe other beings have more or less history than our existance…

Posted by pukirahe Mar 26th, 2012 at 5:14PM

Our recorded history is only 6,000 years old.
Oral legends might be older.
However, the existence of man is without
beginning and end, as the whole creation
of God.
God is Pre-existent, but we cannot describe His
Existence based on our concept of physical time and space.
This is a Mystery for eternal discovery.

Reply by Autumnsbest Mar 26th, 2012 at 5:33PM

Very beautifully said.This really made me stop and think about what you were saying!

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(For reading 1001 times)
Baha’u’llah says:

“And now regarding thy question, “How is it that no records are to be found concerning the Prophets that have preceded Adam, the Father of Mankind, or of the kings that lived in the days of those Prophets?” Know thou that the absence of any reference to them is no proof that they did not actually exist. That no records concerning them are now available, should be attributed to their extreme remoteness, as well as to the vast changes which the earth hath undergone since their time.”
(Baha’u’llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 172)


We an’t all-knowing
Limit one millennium
Is best one might learn


Is it possible to receive full Enlightenment in a day?

Asked By: Enfinehti 3 hours ago

When using psychedelics?

Good Question? (6)

Answer by pukirahe Mar 5th, 2012 at 4:06PM

Yes and no.
This depends on the purity of each soul
and the grace of God. No humans or
human methods can interfere or intervene.
The perfectly polished mirror immediately
reflects the Sun of Truth.
The unclean mirror may take centuries for cleansing.

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(For reading 1001 times)
Baha’u’llah says:

“These journeys have no visible ending in the world of time, but the severed wayfarer — if invisible confirmation descend upon him and the Guardian of the Cause assist him — may cross these seven stages in seven steps, nay rather in seven breaths, nay rather in a single breath, if God will and desire it.” (Baha’u’llah, The Seven Valleys, p. 40)


Full Enlightenment
Takes no care of time and space
It blesses purity