What is something you want to thank Jesus for?

Asked By: IncomingTide (18-21, F) 18 minutes ago

Good Question? (5)

Best Answer by pukirahe (Chosen By Asker):

Dec 16th, 2012 at 2:29AM

I am thankful to Jesus for His educating mankind.I am thankful to Jesus for His sacrifice to bring human beings back to God.

I am thankful to Jesus for showing the way to Him
at His return.
And because of His bounties, I can live happily like
all people who turn to Him and do His Will.
The world would be in complete darkness, or in
complete non-existence, without His coming
again and again for salvation.
I am eternally thankful to Jesus, my Lord, My Educator.


 Experienceproject Q&A

New Addition For This Post

Abdul-Baha says:

 “Our belief in regard to Christ is exactly what is recorded in the New Testament; however, we elucidate this matter and do not speak literally or in a manner based merely on blind belief. For instance, it is recorded in the Gospel of St. John, “In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God.” The majority of Christians accept this matter literally, but we give a logical explanation that no one need find occasion to reject.”(Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 147)



Jesus my Savior

My divine Educator

He has come again

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