How good are you?

Asked By: faeryflutterthe1andonly (41-45, F) 13 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Sep 20th, 2012 at 6:32AM

Only God is good, because He is omniscient
and omnipotent.
It may take millennia for me to fathom the
mysteries of His goodness.
By His love, another mystery, He makes me
without my knowing, why, how, for what…?
With long quest, I know that love is giivng
unconditionally, selflessly, willingly…
and I wonder how can reach His goodness
by practicing this love?
For the moment, I really don’t know whether
I am good or bad. So, I tell myself to keep on
learning and practicing with all my efforts and my
sincerity in trusting His Guidance and Support.
I don’t know whether am I good, but I never dare
decide to prove my impotence by conducting
a bad life. Hence, I also pray and pray and pray.


Experienceproject Q&A

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Abdul-Baha says:


“For the attributes of the people of faith are justice and fair-mindedness; forbearance and compassion and generosity; consideration for others; candor, trustworthiness, and loyalty; love and loving-kindness; devotion and determination and humanity. If therefore an individual is truly righteous, he will avail himself of all those means which will attract the hearts of men, and through the attributes of God he will draw  56  them to the straight path of faith and cause them to drink from the river of everlasting life.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 55)



It’s hard to be good

Badness can’t be a choice too

Praying God for help


If you could cure the world of all sickness and hunger At the cost of all religion being forgotten would you?

Asked By: gaundertaker (26-30, M) 41 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Sep 20th, 2012 at 5:42AM

What a funny if!
Who tells you that the world can be cured
without religion?
If you have read religious books, you may know
how Moses, Buddha, Christ… have cured the
diseases prevalent before They came.
How Hebrew, Buddhist, Christian civilizations
could be carried forward without healthy and positive
huaman beings?
The time we are living today are like the early years
of Christianity. It appears as hopeless, but the devoted
disciples and and faithfuls are quietly curing diseases
and offer to the world more builders of the new civilization.
Now, since Christ has returned in the Glory of God (Baha’u’llah),
so the greater hope of mankind is more certain and more
No, we cannot judge religion through the eyes
of the blind. We must search for the divine Truth in
the Holy Books and in the the concrete results brought in
by His followers. Now, it is the Age of human maturity
that all individuals should see with their own eyes
and think with their own minds.


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Abdul-Baha says:

 “The purpose of these statements is to make it abundantly clear that the Divine religions, the holy precepts, the heavenly teachings, are the unassailable basis of human happiness, and that the peoples of the world can hope for no real relief or deliverance without this one great remedy. This panacea must, however, be administered by a wise and skilled physician, for in the hands of an incompetent all the cures that the Lord of men has ever created to heal men’s ills could produce no health, and would on the contrary only destroy the helpless and burden the hearts of the already afflicted.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 98)




All ills surely cured

By Most Potent Physician

Messenger of God


If you could give any gift in the world, what would you give and to whom?

Asked By: hhcoolmv1 (16-17, F) 2 hours ago

Posted by pukirahe Sep 20th, 2012 at 4:32AM

My life to God.
In fact my life is not mine, it is His.
So it is not my gift, but my thankful offering back.
In fulfilling this wish, I think I must learn to know
how wonderful the life He gives me and how I
can offer back without dirtiness.
For long decades of learning, I realize that
the more I am thankful to God, the more I
want to try to make my life useful, happy and lofty.
How to be useful: serving mankind within His Plan.
How to be happy: service itself is great happiness.
How to be lofty: bowing down before all the children
of God who are created loftily in His image and likeness.
This is all what I am learning to do better and better.


Experienceproject Q&A

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Abdul-Baha says:


“Today there is no greater glory for man than that of service in the cause of the “Most Great Peace”. Peace is light whereas war is darkness. Peace is life; war is death. Peace is guidance; war is error. Peace is the foundation of God; war is satanic institution. Peace is the illumination of the world of humanity; war is the destroyer of human foundations. When we consider outcomes in the world of existence we find that peace and fellowship are factors of upbuilding and betterment whereas war and strife are the causes of destruction and disintegration.” (Abdu’l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, p. 19)




Cause of Most Great Peace

Divine Plan for all mankind

Age of Maturity


What would you do if your friend had a broken leg? How would you cheer them up?

Asked By: hhcoolmv1 (16-17, F) 2 hours ago

Posted by pukirahe Sep 20th, 2012 at 4:02AM

I cannot imagine why broken leg is a suffering.
I have one leg broken, my bile removed, my heart
gone through surgery, and such things are for me
like eating and drinking. Why is it so sad that
people have to cheer me up?
And who can cheer me up, if I decide to consider
such things as disasrtrous calamities?
Human beings can oveecome all sorts of ups
and downs like a bike race. What is worth
considering is not how to keep the body from
ailments, but how to keep the soul from the
eternal death. And nobody can help others in
this vital purpose of each and all individuals.
Perhaps we better learn why and how to love
people, and in practicing this, we will preserve our
spiritual life and bringing joy to our surroundings.
Yes, when we love, we know what to do.


Experienceproject Q&A

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Abdul-Baha says:

 “Consider whether there exists anywhere in creation a principle mightier in every sense than religion, or whether any conceivable power is more pervasive than the various Divine Faiths, or whether any agency can bring about real love and fellowship and union among all peoples as can belief in an almighty and all-knowing God, or whether except for the laws of God there has been any evidence of an instrumentality for educating all mankind in every phase of righteousness.” (Abdu’l-Baha, The Secret of Divine Civilization, p. 83)




Tests are true exams

For man’s sublime attainment

Of eternal life


Are you quick to judge someone only by appearance?

Asked By: cisco1968 (41-45, M) 40 minutes ago

Posted by pukirahe Sep 19th, 2012 at 6:49PM

Judgment is wrong even deeper than appearance.
The fact is that no one can know the mind of other
people. So it is almost impossible to distinguish
a saint from a sinner. Moreover, famous saint today
may fall sinner tomorow and vice-versa.
The best way is to judge oneself. This is also hard
if we have no true knowledge to distinguish good
from bad, right from wrong. This knowledge is required
for our own improvement and our own dignity. Let other
people be judged by authoritative institutions or by God.
When each individual practices love instead of judgment
we will have a better world. Each individual will successfully
correct oneself instead of wasting time in correcting others.
All schools fail when they apply discipline instead of
nurturing self-discipline.
In our civilized societies we will not need those old schools.
New thoughts, new methods, new curricula… will be designed
to raise children into masters of their own destinies, not to
judge others or to blame others for their failures.


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Abdul-Baha says:


“If the edifice of religion shakes and totters, commotion and chaos will ensue and the order of things will be utterly upset, for in the world of mankind there are two safeguards that protect man from wrongdoing. One is the law which punishes the criminal; but the law prevents only the manifest crime and not the concealed sin; whereas the ideal safeguard, namely, the religion of God, prevents both the manifest and the concealed crime, trains man, educates morals, compels the adoption of virtues and is the all-inclusive power which guarantees the felicity of the world of mankind. But by religion is meant that which is ascertained by investigation and not that which is based on mere imitation, the foundation of divine religions and not human imitations.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, p. 30)



Without true knowledge

To distinguish right from wrong

How we judge others?


If today with the technology we have we can’t build pyramids… how did they build it thousands of years ago?

Asked By: TheX (18-21, M) 40 minutes ago

Good Question? (6)

Posted by pukirahe Sep 19th, 2012 at 6:01PM

Greatness is not doing miraculous things
other people or people of other generations
have done. Greatness is doing miraculous
things of our time. Today, we can pride about
our sending satellites onto other planets, our
immediate conversations on the Internet, and soon
our establishment of world peace.
All human beings are created not to imitate ourselves
in making playthings, but to carry forward an
ever-advancing civilization. And we are performing well
our job with daily inventions in science and technology
and in other profound research on spirituality, which is
the true nature of man.
I think that we are really blessed and thankful to be born
and making contributions to the betterment of our world
in this Great Age.


Experienceproject Q&A

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Abdul-Baha says:

 “For example, the requirements of winter are cold, snow, hail and rain – but the birds and animals who live for six months, enjoying a short span of life, not realizing the wisdom of winter, chide and make lament and are discontent, saying, “Why this awful frost? Why this hail and storm? Why not the balmy weather? Why not the eternal springtime? Why this injustice on the part of the Creator? Why this suffering? What have we done to be meted out with this catastrophe?”

However, those souls who have lived many years and have acquired much experience and have weathered many severe winters realize that in order to enjoy the coming spring they must pass through the cold of winter.”

(Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 116)



Our time requirements

Greater than all other times

Let us speed ahead