Why do we so strongly desire that which is unobtainable?

Best Answer – Chosen by Asker

Nothing is unobtainable. We can obtain all things with clear consideration of our capacity, our training and our preparation.
There are perhaps forbidden things, which are really strong temptation; but we can also obtain them, if we learn to know clearly whether it is justified to pay the high cost.
It is wrong either to venture blindly or to surrender before making due study of the matter.



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Do you like precious pearls?

If you know where and how to get them,

will you accept adventures to reach them?

How about the most precious pearls,

or precisely, the priceless pearls?

They are priceless because they are not made by oysters.

They are priceless because they are not made by men.

They are priceless because they are not made by angels.

They are made to enrich not only yourself.

Not only your family.

Not only your country.

But for the dwellers of the the earth and the heavens.

They are the divine pearls of wisdom

made by the Holy Spirit Himself.

But the ardent and devoted seekers for these pearls

are persecuted in many countries,

especially in Iran in these present days.

And the secret to reach them is right here:



If God created Jesus, then didn’t Allah create Mohammad?

Only answer if you understand that God is Allah, Please.
If God created Jesus, then didn’t Allah create Mohammad. Both are said to be the ones that came to teach us.

4 years ago

Best Answer by Tu Nga – Chosen by Asker

God, Allah, Jehovah… is the One True God being called in various languages.
Moses, Christ, Muhammad…are successive Messengers of that One True God, Who appear to teach us about the love of God and show us how to build an ever-advancing civilization.

Asker’s Comment:

Thank you and AngelsAnd & Farley_be

These answers surely answered my question.



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Who is God?

Who is the God of the Christians?

Who is the God of the Muslims?

Who is the God of other religions?

Who is the God of non-believers?

Whose God is the One True God?

Whose gods are false gods?

Is there certainly One True God?

But why should men believe in God?

Where can we find the correct answers to these questions?

Should we listen to Dalai Lama?

Should we listen to Benedict XVI?

Should we listen to Khomeni?

Should we listen to famous researchers?

Should we study the Holy Books for ourselves?

Should we pray for direct inspiration?

Should we establish a newly combined religion?

Should we create a purely new and secular religion?

Should we ignore all religions and just follow our conscience?…

All these questions have been answered by Baha’u’llah, the Prophet Founder of the Baha’i Faith. Please make searches about the Baha’i Faith to see whether you could find the real light for your own conscience. If you could not find anything good, you only lose few hours which may cost few million dollars; but if you discover the divine light, that would be priceless. Millions of people have happily discovered it by their own independent investigation of truth.



How can we foster ties with other races?

about riots

4 years ago

Best Answer by Tu Nga – Chosen by Asker

Learn to know that mankind is one, and all childish deeds of theirs as well as of ours will be changed at the age of maturity. See how our children change.
Love them as we love our toddlers.

Asker’s Comment:

Thanks a lot!



New Addition For This Post

Due to the allergy of our fellowmen in these transitory days about religion, the believers are fearing to bring God into daily conversations. We fear of being hated, of being criticised, of being laughed at… And the worst reason is the fearing of lowering the great value of the Cause of God! So we leave the world to its freedom of wandering in the darkness of confusion. These days are as dark as the early days of Buddhism, of Christianity, of Islam…The world was drowned in lust, anger and ignorance. If the early believers were not crazily intoxicated by the love of God, we wouldn’t have the glorious Buddhist, Christian, Islamic civilizations….

When non-believers face with religious conversations, they usually rush to conclusion: All religions are good, because they tell us to live according to our conscience. Why should I study the Baha’i Faith, while all former religions are equally good? Or do you arrogantly claim that the Baha’i Faith is better?

But, what is conscience, its moral standard, and how can we live up to it?

How can we overcome all sorts of temptations and threats to preserve a pure conscience? How can we obey the voice of our conscience, when gangs of evil-doers threat to expose our faults, to deny our human rights, to kill other people, to kill us, to kill our relatives?… And particularly how can those evil-doers turn towards the right Path, when they repented?

How can we understand that God, Thượng Đế, Jehovah, Brahma, Allah …are only One? How can we understand that Moses, Khrisna, Buddha, Christ, Baha’u’llah… are only One? How can we understand that Asians, Europeans, Americans, Africans, Oceanians and unknown peoples populating the earth and other distant planets…are only One?

Only the learning and practicing of the teachings of the Messenger of God, for our time about true life, can lead us through these testing circumstances. And that is why we must seek powerful light for our conscience, then sharing it to other people despite of all threats. Yes, fearing men, instead of fearing God in these transitory days of great confusion, only darkens our precious conscience.